On 14 September 2022, The Mantingunya Association was invited out to The Novo Nullagine Village for dinner, about a 15 minute drive south of Nullagine. So 7 full cars headed out to the Novo Village.

Over 30 people came out, the Association and also the few who were still in Irrungadji Community at the time. Novo loved seeing the surprise, so much they asked us to wait to make more food.

While we waited, most went over to play some sports at the courts while others continued talking. Just when all the kids were exhausted from playing, it was dinner time. And everyone ran again excited for what was on the menu tonight.

Lining up we went in to have dinner and desert, and everyone loved it. Loved it so much it had them talking about it for the next week. To top off the night, Mantingunya Association had a meeting with Novo Resources about plans with Cheyenne and her painting. Really exciting things.

Thank you Novo Resources for having us for the night and also supporting the Art Centre and the Nullagine Community. Personal thanks to Chris Mardon, Jayben, Hannah, & Jason also for guiding us around. Can’t wait for the next ;)