About us
Where we are
The Mantingunya Arts & Cultural Centre (MACC) is located in Nullagine, Western Australia. We specialise in Indigenous Aboriginal Art. Over 1,360kms north of Perth, Western Australia in the Pilbara region, Nullagine is half way between towns Newman and Port Hedland of the East Pilbara. The community has a population of around 150 people, over half being Martu people who are the current custodians and caretakers of Palyku Country.
Happily Indigenous Owned
MACC is a Western Australia Indigenous Owned Art Centre, for the local indigenous people and led by local indigenous people. MACC is Martu led with the support of traditional owners of Nullagine, Palyku people. We work with, and proudly honour the Palyku Traditional Owners of this Country.
As you continue with us, you will be supporting remote First Nations artists, arts workers, and cultural practitioners from the Nullagine Community. We are proud of our peoples art, culture and knowledge.
Soon to be Not-for-profit and charity organisation
MACC is currently a local association called The Mantingunya Association Incooperated (MAI). A recent association that begun just a year ago. MAI is in its final steps to become a NFP and charity organisation as it best suits and aligns with our goals and vision. We hope to have this done by the end of November, 2022.