How our Nullagine Mummies spent Mother's Day

How our Nullagine Mummies spent Mother's Day

Mantingunya Association organised a Mother's Day event for all the mummies of the Nullagine Community. The event went absolutely amazing leaving all the Mummies talking about it for a good couple weeks.

What made the event so special is it was held in the soon to be Art Centre, a lot of food, women's discussion about the Art Centre, and that it was only all the mummies (well, at least we tried). Some of the men and kids sneaked in, including one of the community dogs. It’s alright though, we still had enough for everyone.


First time in along time people of the community had stepped in the Roadhouse, we’re talking years. So for them to see the Roadhouse completely different left people shocked and with excitement to get the Art Centre up. We told them them if they are excited now, just wait till it is fully finished. Can't wait to see everyone's reaction. And don't worry we'll be sure to capture it also.

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